All about: Roland Jourdain

Better waste management, use of flax fiber

Sails are going green
The days are long gone when, as he approached the finish line, the most famous skipper on the planet threw overboard all the sails he no longer needed... That act, considered a symbol of performance and success 40 years ago, now seems an ecological monstrosity and a financial waste. 
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Published on 06/01/2023

Who's Who

Roland Jourdain: Prioritizing the environment
How can you not like Roland Jourdain? That’s the question I was asking myself after a meeting with the Breton, at the launch of his catamaran We Explore at Outremer Yachting. Built partly out of linen fiber, this 5X will be on the start line for the next Route du Rhum. Bilou’s smile is ...
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