Multihulls World n° 200

Worldwide multihulls... From 13 to 193 feet!

A recent survey completed by our newsletter subscribers has enabled us to find out a little more about your expectations. But what stood out above all else? “More boat tests and more videos, please!” In response to both these points: You can count on us! Thanks to our highly mobile team and our correspondents based in the USA, Europe and Australia, we make sure to sail aboard all multihulls, wherever they are launched in the world. We could do what most of our colleagues do, i.e. simply go out sailing on short “day trips” or at boat shows... but then we wouldn’t be a comprehensive, international medium. That’s why I’d like to share with you sailing experiences on two or three hulls on all the seas of the world. Believe me, it’s not always easy: in Tunisia, on Lake Bizerte, I was banned from reporting aboard the brand-new Aventura 38 SC. That’s not going to stop our team from talking to you and filming all the multihulls on the planet. Between now and April, we’ll be taking you to Saint Martin, the northern Bahamas, Miami and even South Africa, with no doubt a few detours to France and Spain. As for boat tests, in this issue, we start at 13 feet with the Treasy 4.0 and climb to 80 feet with the Thíra 80... Want more? Take a look in our multiyacht pages at the Xpagoda: this big catamaran measures just over 193 feet!

Let me come back to our survey: many of you also asked for the return of our second-hand section, which has been somewhat dormant for the past year. So here it is, making a comeback.

Enjoy reading - and watching!

PS: We’re celebrating the 200th issue of Multihulls World, born 5 years after the French version, Multicoques Mag, and we’ve got a little surprise in store for you!


Emmanuel van Deth

The Complete Boat Tests

Almost 40 years of boat tests!

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