All about: carribean multihull challenge

Caribbean Multihull Challenge

Regatta or rally, the choice is yours!
The event is fast becoming a classic for multihull fans - and so much the better! Conceived in 2019 by the enthusiastic, 82-year-old American Stephen Burzon, the regatta is organized by the St. Maarten Yacht Club in February – this year’s event having just taken place, from February 4 to 6. 
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Published on 06/02/2023

Caribbean Multihull Challenge

Tradewinds filling the sails!
The 4th Edition for this multihulls-only event out of Saint Martin: the Caribbean Multihull Challenge can pride itself on having managed to keep going through the health crisis, with the regatta able to be held in 2020, in 2021 and of course this year. The cool, calm and collected American Stephen ...
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Published on 07/02/2022

Caribbean Multihull Challenge

Regatta or rally, the choice is yours!
This event was conceived following a simple observation by the enthusiastic, 82-year-old American Stephen Burzon: that while St. Maarten seems to be the epicenter of multihull sailing, it does not benefit from an event 100% dedicated to catamarans and trimarans. This is why Steve, with the support ...
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