Andaman 50
- Andaman 50
Designed in Polynesia and built in Thailand, the Catathais are cruising catamarans resolutely designed for enjoying and living in the tropics. A twin test of two atypical catamarans, the Catathai 34' and 40'.
Hervé comes from La Baule, the land of the Pajot brothers and the Peyrons. Inevitable, this leaves its mark, especially when you are attracted to sailing! Between racing and cruising, he has always been a multihull enthusiast, until he arrived in Thailand, delivering a 25-metre catamaran. He liked the country, and stayed there to do what he does best: build boats. But as a leopard can't change its spots, only catamarans come out of the Catathai yard. These catamarans (the range includes a 34', a 40' and a 50, the first two examples of which are currently under construction) are built in a divinicell foam and vinylester resin sandwich, under vacuum. The construction method is original, as the only moulds are for the bottoms of the hulls. The panels are built separately on a table, then fitted and bonded, in a slightly similar way to a plywood construction method. Results: no expensive moulds, and perfect control of each part. But the disadvantage of this method is the time it takes and above all the (very) many hours of sanding necessary.
The Catathai 40 is a genuine blue water cruising boat, designed for the tropics…
The Catathai 34 is a pretty '...
Boat Test price5.00€ Inc. tax
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