Frolic is back BVIs; and they like it!

After a great trip in the States, visiting family and friends for the holiday season, WW & YY  headed back to Frolic in the BVI. 

When we flew from Miami the plane was late leaving by an hour because they needed to put a sticker on the exit door. As a consequence we were an hour late arriving and had to call the ferry to Virgin Gorda to see if they would hold it as it was the last ferry of the day! They held the ferry for us and several other people on the flight so we arrived at Spanishtown in the dark. We went to Leverick Bay and saw Michael Bean's Happy Ahrrrr!


After a few days working on the boat we headed to Trellis Bay for the Full moon party. We took a mooring run by the Last Resort at about 1 PM and settled ourselves. At 4 PM we got ready to go to dinner when the man came to collect for the mooring. He asked if we had reservations, and we said we had dinner reservations, but he asked if we reserved the mooring. We never knew you could reserve a mooring! He said yes you could, but since we had dinner reservations we could stay the night, but we could not stay tomorrow as it was reserved for the full moon festival. We asked the cost and he said it was $30 today, but tomorrow it was $130 with a $70 certificate for dinner at the Last Resort. Wow! In Normans Island, we snorkeled the bay and saw the biggest Parrot Fish ever! Of course I couldn’t get a picture. We also hiked around a bit the second day. We Cruised up to Norman’s bight and snorkeled the caves. The next day we headed to Cane Garden Bay. Since the North swell was still strong we decided to go to Jost Van Dyke instead. We looked at Green Cay, but it was crowded so we went on to Little Harbor. We went to Great Harbor and decided to check out and head to the USVI. There we checked in and spent some time at Maho and Caneel Bay before heading to Water Island. We anchored in Honeymoon. The second day we moved to Elephant Bay then to Brewers Bay, where we were a couple days late as a Humpback Whale had come into and gave birth to its breath. After we got there we had a beach get together and 18 Dinghys showed up for a great time of socialization. At sundown a squall came in and chased us all off the beach.

Who :                                     Leslie & Carl

Boat :                                     Lagoon 380

Where :                                 BVI’s, West Indies, Carabeen sea.

Blog :                           

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