Issue #: 155
Published: September / October 2017
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- Price per issue - print : 7.70€Print magazine
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As well as being a famous skipper, winner of all the big races, or almost, in both monohulls and multis, Mich Desj is also an extraordinary visionary.
And here is the latest product of his ingenuity, an 18.28 m by 9m catamaran called the Z2015. 8 tonnes displacement, 2 x 300 hp outboard motors and 165m² of sail – this platform can embark 12 people in its offshore version (32 for coastal sailing). The idea is in fact to offer a reception area as close as possible to race starts or training. A catamaran capable of following – a little – the rhythm of the racing boats.
For more information: www.meragitee.com
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