Are we seeing the revival of speed? It seems that after a few years on stand-by, the number of outstanding events for lovers of wild speed runs is increasing, and that there have never been as many record attempts.
We begin with the 40th edition of the 'Weymouth Speed Week', the oldest speed event, which offers excellent conditions and a stretch of water where runs at over 35 knots are possible. At the beginning of October, the conditions didn't live up to the event, but what will it be like next year? You can also try to go fast in fresh water, as proved by the 'Syz & Co Speed Week', organised in Geneva last October over a 500m metre course specially set up for the occasion. Alas, the conditions only allowed a top speed of 25.742 knots to be reached, and what's more, that was by a windsurfer... Finally, the best of the best should be meeting up in Namibia, for the Luderitz Speed Challenge, on THE canal which should allow all the records to be shattered. Unfortunately, this superb canal is not wide enough to accommodate our multihulls...
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