Issue #: 159
Published: May / June 2018
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I remember, after having gone through the pass, the pleasure that swept over us on being able to see the seabed in over thirty meters of water - spotted eagle rays, turtles, reefs!
We had arrived directly from Thailand, after a 14-day passage, in this heavenly place: the Maldives. I must say that the color of the water was a change from the muddy waters we had been used to throughout the year that we cruised between Malaysia and Thailand (for work, notably)!
We dropped the hook in this tight anchorage at Gan, in the Addu atoll. A fierce ebb current didn’t make the task any easier. There were just three of us in the anchorage. We didn’t yet know each other, but quickly got along and helped each other by sharing the good spots to visit.
I didn’t wait for long before jumping overboard and appreciating the delicate salt water, where I could see my feet!
Unfortunately, this paradise is too polluted. Although the Maldives will inevitably make you think of that postcard, on which we see a beautiful dock surrounded by extra-white sand – which can really be found at the 5-star hotels – there is not just that… Litter-strewn beaches also really exist here, and it’s sad to see. We were surprised to discover bikes, batteries or washing machines among the beautiful coral heads.
With a little willingness, however, we should easily be able to save places as beautiful as this...
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