Issue #: 153
Published: May / June 2017
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Hydrocontest is an international competition open to students, and dedicated to nautical and maritime energy efficiency.
The idea is to get the future engineers and architects working on a future set of problems: transporting more, faster and consuming less fuel! For the fourth edition of the Hydrocontest, which will be held in Lausanne (Switzerland) next July, we have decided to follow a group of four students from the ‘Ecole des Mines’ in Paris more particularly in this distinguished competition. Each team has to design a boat which, for fixed energy specifications, must be as fast as possible and have the longest range.
The team has started designing a remote-controlled trimaran, 2.5 meters long and 2 meters wide, with electric propulsion. For this, the students have worked in association with the CEMEF (Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux) on the 3D modeling and optimization of the hulls, with the help of digital simulations. The students will build the boat themselves in March, with the help of materials and technical advice supplied by Lagoon.
With such partners, this team is bound to win!
For more information: www.hydrocontest.org
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