Issue #: 156
Published: November / December 2017
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2017, the year for records? It’s certain, after those around the world singlehanded and fully crewed by Joyon and Coville, then that of the North Atlantic beaten by the same two sailors and in the same order.
But the sport catamaran world is not to be outdone when it comes to records, and while Yvan Bourgnon is attempting an epic north-west passage, Simon Koster and Yo Wiebel have just beaten the world 24 hour sport catamaran record. This record, (which was held by Yvan Bourgnon, with 346 miles) was beaten on a Nacra F16. The new reference distance is therefore now 361 miles, but waiting to be ratified. To give you an idea of the performance, at the beginning of the 2000s, the singlehanded record in an IMOCA 60-footer was around 430 miles…
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