From this sail, we have remembered at least one thing: these machines are fiendish, exciting, athletic and they are going to offer us some exceptional battles between the crews of super-pros. Roland Jourdain, whose sponsor, Veolia, announced a little while ago the end of its support for his MOD 70 programme, is hoping to find a new sponsor quickly, to buy the trimaran and continue the adventure, which looks as if it will be a good one... The first European Tour for the class will start on 29th August 2012. On the programme of this European Tour: nearly 5,000 miles in five weeks of intensive racing... The crews are not really going to be taking it easy, with ocean races, and ‘city races', in the heart of the five towns in the countries visited: Kiel (Germany), Ireland, Cascais (Portugal), Marseille (France) and Italy. But before all this, the MOD 70s should have shown us their potential during their first event, the New York - Brest, whose start will be given on 7th July 2012... Follow them on:
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