The Goto is the place where you must be, every year. The nautical event not to be missed, the essence of our sailing world. In short, there are those who are there…and the others.
For those of you who still don't know, the Goto is the abbreviation for the Golden Oldies Trophy, the meeting of the 'old glories', racing multihulls from the 70s and 80s. This association, which is looking to list, save and sail these wonderful machines which had us dreaming at the time, is an assorted group of willing hands and enthusiasts. This year, the 'Goldens' met up in the middle of August at Houat, on the Atlantic coast, to sail and have fun. About ten multihulls, ranging from Charlie Capelle's Acapella to PiR2 (ex-Lessive St Marc), via Three Legs of Mann 1 were present, as was Nova, which had found its original skipper – Eugène Riguidel, or again Quicksilver or the ex-Rusty Pelican... In short, the cream, and once again, a good atmosphere. Those who weren't there were wrong! To discover all the association's activities and the photos of Goto 2012, have a look at the web site. Information:
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