This is a personal project, that of a sailor who, after a 4-year voyage on an Alliage 41 (a monohull), from Europe to Polynesia, wanted a ‘completely clean' boat, which was also very reliable, independent, and simple.
His choice quickly turned to a catamaran, which would be driven exclusively by electric propulsion, with no fossil fuels aboard. The owner's other wish, to have a real photovoltaic generator aboard (some good solar panels), as well as 2 wind generators and hydro-generators to supply a correctly-sized battery bank. Rain water collection, black and grey water tanks, waste storage capacity - everything has been provided aboard to be as clean as possible. Finally, for his round-the-world trip via the trade winds, our owner wanted an original rig, only equipped with foresails... To realise his dream, Raphaël chose Aerofleet, whose 45-footer in its ‘open' version (designed by Joubert) seemed to him to be most suited to his requirements. The project is currently the subject of studies by the builder, the architect Martin Defline, Eco Power Solutions and Grove Boats... But we won't fail to keep you informed of the development of this out-of-the-ordinary boat, which we can't wait to test. For more information:
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