Issue #: 169
Published: January / February 2020
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What a great idea, these mediamen! For single-handed racing, it seems neither possible nor desirable to me.
On the other hand, having a third person along on a double-handed race, what a privileged testimony! I confess, I would have liked to have been there. They didn't ruin my childhood dreams, they transcended them. Breathtaking images of some amazing action, strategic, meteorological, technical, culinary, even sanitary explanations, with a subtle mix of humor, distance and truth. So, I settled in to watch the start, loved the speeds reached in the Portuguese trade winds, doubted in the pangs of the doldrums, speeded up during the pit-stops in Rio and Cape Town, discovered the coasts of Namibia, struggled with the foils, daggerboards and amputated rudders, laughed at Alex's jokes, understood what Jean-Luc was explaining to me, helmed with Gwéno, and exploded with joy with Charles and Franck! Thank you, Yann, Ronan, Martin and Jérémie for taking me aboard with you, and providing me with all the screensavers I’ll need for 2020!
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