All about: Rapido 53XS
Boat tests
Rapido 53XS
XS as in Xtra Space
A pleasant surprise: the first competitor to the Neel formula (three hulls topped by a large nacelle) has been presented at the Cannes Yachting Festival.
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Published on 14/10/2024
Technical specifications
Rapido 53XS
A peak speed of 24 knots during initial seatrials!
When the XS project – which stands for Xtra Space - was launched, some were skeptical: How would the famous “traditional” Rapido 50 perform with an additional 1,770 lbs (800 kg) of superstructure?
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Published on 19/04/2024
Address book
Rapido Trimarans
Mission: to build the world's best ocean cruising trimaran
Concept and construction by the team that has built the most production trimarans world wide. Designed by Morrelli & Melvin as an owner operated ocean cruising trimaran that is powerful, safe, spacious, stable and fast.
The ...