All about: Outremer 5X
Boat tests
Technical specifications
Better waste management, use of flax fiber
Sails are going green
The days are long gone when, as he approached the finish line, the most famous skipper on the planet threw overboard all the sails he no longer needed... That act, considered a symbol of performance and success 40 years ago, now seems an ecological monstrosity and a financial waste.
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Published on 06/01/2023
Multihull manufacturers and the green challenge
A few months back, naval architect Marc Lombard declared in an interview that “The only eco-friendly boat is the one you buy second-hand”. His statement is so true that in this Forever Green issue, we’ve devoted 14 pages to second-hand multihulls... With the provocation and honesty that we ...
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Address book
Outremer Yachting
June 1984, La Grande Motte in the South of France: Gérard Danson, a young naval architect with the Conati yard, working with of the yard’s best technician, Daniel Cailloux, set about the construction of a performance and seaworthy 40 foot catamaran, aimed at long-distance cruising. Designer and ...