All about: Kinetic Catamarans
Boat tests
Boat review teaser
Following on from the very successful KC62, Kinetic Catamarans has just launched a particularly racy 54-footer. This new model sees the sail handling station in the same position as her bigger sister – in the forward cockpit. She also features the forward door. The fineness of the hulls gives ...
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Published on 25/03/2022
Technical specifications
Kinetic Catamarans
A shipyard where carbon is king!
Kinetic Catamarans a été fondée en 2018 par deux marins passionnés et passionnés par l'industrie du nautisme, Bob Hayward, un promoteur immobilier et Leon Scheepers, un constructeur de bateaux sud-africain.
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Published on 17/07/2023