All about: C-Catamarans
Boat tests
C-Cat 48 Catamaran
Boat review teaser
Of course we know about the C-Cat 37, and now the 62 in the planning stage... but C-Catamarans are working on offering other models, such as the 56, whose molds are currently in production - we'll be talking about that very soon - and especially the 48, whose production has just started. This ...
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Published on 08/11/2021
Technical specifications
C Cat 65
Construction begins near Rome
A lot is happening at the Comar Yachts shipyard in Fiumicino (Rome)! The shipyard team have just sent us pictures of the first sections of their new flagship catamaran freshly out of the molds.
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Published on 27/06/2024
Address book
Comar Yachts
Handmade Yachting Technology.
Range of sailing and power multihulls, for bluewater cruising or fishing.