Rapido 53XS
- Rapido 53XS
American ports and marinas, like those in Western Europe are struggling to accommodate large catamarans. How will they react to an 18x12m trimaran platform? The question may seem incidental, but still made me think! But why start a review of a multihull as attractive as this one with an off-the-cuff comment? Nobody said that the Rapido was reasonable!
A large part of the world's yachting fleet is grouped around an infinitesimally small percentage of the coast (and not always the most attractive bits!). There remains, however, a variety of smart solutions in wonderful and less crowded sailing areas (estuaries, lagoons, large lakes, interior gulfs, drying areas ...). Countless shoal-draft areas would also be able to accommodate this type of boat (the Rapido has an integral daggerboard), which would help to avoid the sometimes grotesque regulations and outrageous charges for moorings. This bleak comment made, let's get to the main course: I invite you aboard one of the most exciting liveaboard multihulls ever produced. Hold onto your hat… and your sunglasses! Welcome aboard the Rapido 60.
Richard Eyre (an English-speaking Canadian sailor passionate about trimarans) and Paul Koch (formerly of Corsair Marine) are the protagonists of the Rapido story whose genesis is explained through a deep and ancient immersion in the world of trimaran building and an ultimate will to achieve. Paul is the industrialist of the pair. He bought Corsair from John Walton i...
Boat Test price5.00€ Inc. tax
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