Weather conditions: 15 to 20 knots, moderate sea
YOT 36
The new wave of twin-hulled motorboatingPresented to the public at last year’s Cannes Yachting Festival, the YOT 36 is the first model from the new powercat brand launched by the Catana Group. To tackle this new market - and therefore a new audience - there’s no better way than setting up... a new team and a new factory!
Weather conditions: 15 to 20 knots, moderate sea
Until now, the Catana Group’s powercat experience had been limited to the Bali 4.3 MY (a variation of the sailboat version) and the testing of a Bali Catspace MY, which was never actually launched and brought to market. Not really convinced by the potential of its motor catamarans, which were ultimately very similar to their sailing sister-ships, the manufacturer preferred to start from scratch and target a “motorboat audience” rather than a “sailing-weary” one. In strategic terms, it’s not a matter of refocusing a project, but of resetting it... And so the YOT brand was born. The name is obviously reminiscent of the word “yacht”, but it’s also “toy” in reverse. In short, a YOT is either a mini yacht or a (large) nautical toy, depending on your point of view... Either way, we’re definitely in territory far removed from the Catana and Bali ranges, and as a result, the Catana Group has set up a new production facility in Portugal and a complete team dedicated to development, marketing and, of course, sales. YOT’s targets are highly ambitious, with the aim of eventually producing 400...
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