Nautitech 40

A different approach to cruising catamarans

The Nautitech range has long been a favourite with private owners and charter companies alike. Now Bruno Voisard has launched the latest generation : an entirely new boat, with some particularly interesting features and good performance. We fell for this attractive boat right from the start…

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I have arranged to meet Sébastien, the Nautitech’s skipper, at 6 o’clock on this freezing March morning in La Rochelle’s Bassin des Chalutiers. The boat’s deck is covered with frost and very slippery, and the stars are still twinkling in the night sky, confirming the forecast of an easterly wind for our planned circumnavigation of the Ile de Ré. The footbridge swings up to let us pass, and once through the lock gates and lifting road bridge, we moor the boat on a pontoon in the town centre for just long enough to have a coffee and take some photos. The boats’s silhouette is attractive and very high off the water. At the stern, the davits are made up of two robust stainless steel tubes, and on climbing aboard via the ‘sugar scoop’ sterns, we immediately remark the twin wheels, offset to the sides and leather-covered as standard. However, only the port side wheel has the controls and instruments for the engines. Whilst not sailing, the helmsman’s seats fold into the sterns; once under way, by lifting them up and inserting the locking pins they are ready for use. The cockpit is very well protected, being completely enclosed - ideal for those sailing with children. The table is offs...

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