Lagoon 43
- Lagoon 43
Garry is a naval architect from New Zealand who carries out his prolific activities from his offices in Queensland (Brisbane, on the east coast of Australia). The Lidgard office is unknown in Europe, but is well-known elsewhere for its global approach to boat design. Racing prototypes, neo-classical monohulls, multihulls of all sizes, and motor boats are created at a sustained rhythm by Garry’s pencil, and he upholds a pragmatic vision of his profession. Coming from a family which counts several generations of builders, it is not surprising that he is interested in ‘do-it-yourself’.
Phil Weld and Dick Newick dreamed of it (the constant camber) to allow poor fishing populations to possess fast boats, which would exempt them from dependence on fuel and engines. Derek Kelsall took up the idea (the KSS) and adapted it to the creation of cruising catamarans, from his new base in New Zealand. The Anglo-Saxon culture (USA-Australia-New Zealand) seemed to be more receptive to the concept of individual construction than Southern Europe, which had almost forgotten this idea since the rush to the water in the 70s The result of this attitude wasn’t long in coming, and in Australia and New Zealand, excellent multihulls built by their owners can be found everywhere, and their second-hand prices are often moderate. In France, this practice is now marginal, reduced to confidentiality by the zealous attitude of the protective authorities and the negative word of mouth from the commercial circuits who are protecting their fortress.
An Australian catamaran, built in Thailand, assembled in France, at La Rochelle: this is the Fusion 40…
Ply-epoxy-glass is well-suited to the delivery of ‘ready-to-assemble’ units (especially sinc...
Boat Test price5.00€ Inc. tax
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