Bali 4.4
- Bali 4.4
The most recent Barcelona Boat Show saw the first outing of the 4.0, the latest development in the young Bali range, which will likely later be completed by a flagship model of over 50 feet. When the first one was launched back in February at the factory at Marans, we went aboard for a two-day test run in the Pertuis Rochelais on France’s Atlantic coast.
There was a time when cruising catamaran coachroofs proudly displayed their coefficients of air penetration and even had a structural role! The interior designers came in some time back and jumped at the opportunities available to crews with these new volumes! Another revolution is taking place right in front of our eyes. One which aims to free the whole platform of bulkheads, completely revisiting the way we move around on board and the design of the nacelle! Leopard and Lagoon have both employed the use of a forward cockpit for some time now, with the Cape Town yard then opening a breach in the forward bulkhead, by cutting a door in it. Greg Young and Tag invented the modular deck salon. The Bali 4.3 and 4.0 have today standardized the opening of the front bulkhead, installing a sun-deck in place of the trampoline and creating a retracting aft window panel. A real step forward!
A simple and modern sailplan. Unfortunately the tubular bimini means the gooseneck is fixed higher up
Making a set of specifications such as these for a 40 foot catamaran was a daring move! Arch...
Boat Test price5.00€ Inc. tax
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