A sail that’s innovative and easy to masterThe world of sailing is constantly innovating. While most technological advances are dedicated to optimizing performance, some are aimed at making life easier for sailors. The ACCWing falls into this category: it’s a technical and innovative sail, but its ambition is to make sailing easier for everyone, including committed powerboaters. That, too, is the Forever Green vision!
Conditions:Southwesterly 15-20 knots and gusty. Smooth to slight sea state.
As boat tests go, this one was a little out of the ordinary, since it wasn’t really the boat we were testing, but its rig, and more specifically, its sail. We went along to Port la Foret in southern Brittany (one of the realms of offshore racing) to test this new ACCWing, as it is called. A few steps further down the dock from our catamaran was Éric Defert’s MOD 70, Axciss Group, so we were clearly in good company.
With elegant canoe bows, there’s no lack of allure, but it’s not the lines that catch the eye... instead, you look up a little to discover a 55-foot (17-meter) carbon rig that supports an astonishing 645-square foot (60 m²), very wide, yet flexible wing.
At the origin of the project is Philippe Markovich, the director of Sicomin, a major chemical and composite products company here in France that’s widely known as a formulator and supplier of epoxy resins. Philippe teamed up with Hugues de Turckheim who actually developed the ACCWing. Hugues was formerly a designer with TIGA sailboards, a company that had become the world’s leading manufacturer of winds...
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