
Respect for others… and for the Environment!

We all have in our minds that dream anchorage: perfectly protected water, and if possible not too crowded or even deserted. Transparent and shoal draft water, the possibility of landing ashore close by, with just enough wind to ventilate and refresh the interior... If the regulated zones on mooring buoys respect the seabed, it is not necessarily the same for anchor-based mooring.

In anchorage areas subject to heavy traffic, the protection of the marine environment is now a priority. Regulation of boat sizes, organized mooring fields, improvement of marina reception capacities: there are numerous ways for local officials to do this. The fact remains that unregulated anchoring is still in the majority on a global scale. And the use of anchors and chains, while sometimes allowing you to be all alone in the world, or almost, can damage marine biodiversity. Here are some tips to better respect the environment.

By using organized mooring areas equipped with fixed deadman mooring buoys, the impact on the environment is minimized. On the other hand, most of the time, there is a cost to using these areas.


Preserve the coral and seagrass meadows

As an endemic (now protected) Mediterranean species, the Posidonia seagrass plays several major roles in the marine ecosystem. It is an underwater flowering plant and is not algae. Posidonia meadows act as a spawning ground and nursery for 25% of animal species (scorpion fish, large shellfish...). Posidonia oxygenates the water through photosynthesis. After their death, they form deposits that attract marine life, as well as carbon transfer and the protection of coastal beaches from erosion. As for coral, although it represents only 0.25% of the seabed, it is very present in tropical anchorage areas. Putting your anchor on the coral means destroying a square meter of it: you need to be very vigilant, and if necessary, refer to pilot guides, charts and even satellite images to be sure to anchor in a sandy area. An advance survey by dinghy or paddleboard is often a good idea.


Anchor in the clear (green or blue) sea!

Choose an anchorage zone by selecting sandy areas (identifiable by their light color) or by using a seabed charting application to avoid anchoring in the heart of a seagrass bed or on a coral reef.

You should also avoid anchoring close to rocks or cliffs, in order to avoid damaging the flora and fauna that inhabit them.


Be on top of it

Drop and weigh anchor with your chain vertical and line with the multihull so as not to plow the bottom by hooking or dragging.

Equip the anchor with a trip line. This is particularly useful in busy anchorages (it avoids tangling anchors) or when the bottom is suspect.




Softer is better

Lower the anchor while going astern at slow speed (often just by the action of the wind), releasing the anchor as quickly as possible.
Once you’ve let out 5 times the depth of water, take time to observe the behavior of your multihull in relation to other the boats in the anchorage. Let your boat settle, then slowly power astern to check that the anchor is set properly. Let out a little more chain and attach your bridle - it will pick the load.


A lot of chain

Apart from the limits imposed by the avoidance of other boats at anchor, there is no risk in letting out more chain than necessary. Do not ...

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