Issue #: 146
Published: March / April 2016
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Lagoon 410 Imagine arrived in Morocco where Elena & Wojtek manufactured and installed prostheses to 14 patients: 2 children, 2 women and 10 men between 7 and 40 years of age.
At the beginning of the summer we left the old cold Germany, heading south and leaving behind us miles and miles and visiting several European nations. Maybe you could wonder what it is like to live on a boat… the answer is simple: one emotion after the other! The sea and his inhabitants are so fabulous to let you breathless, the heart stops to beat for a moment, just to start to jump fast again as soon as the waves grow up and the wind blows strong into the sails. Imagine is amazing: our small baby brought us safely to Portugal, sometimes sailing like a princess, sometimes a little bored moving under the noise of her engines, a few times, luckily, jumping and sliding under and over stormy waves. It has been also for us an important test before crossing the Atlantic, but we are a really strong team and we never give up! Here we are, in Morocco! Not even the time to settle down that we have started to work. Three days before our orthopedic mechanic Christoph, a good friend and working alongside of Wojtek for years, joined us from Germany. Two hours after his arrival, our unstoppable Bavarian was already at work. The first two days have passed meeting the patients, interviewing them and doing all the measuring and gips work. Christoph is modeling the raw gips as an expert sculptor… if it would not be for his unique Bavarian accent, I would be tempted to call him Michelangelo! We offered these people, marginalized by their disabilities, the immense joy of walking again. It also gives them the promise of easier integration in daily life. We will now cross the Atlantic to St Lucia, where there are other patients ahead.
Elena & Wojtek on Imagine.
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