Whether an anchorage or an anecdote, we all have a good memory linked to our favorite boats (with several hulls, of course)... This column is open to you so you can share it with the magazine’s readers, because this sharing is what makes our community. It’s your turn to have us dreaming!

Round the West Indies

“As we write these lines, we are finishing our voyage around the West Indies.
We chartered a Nautitech 47 from Le Marin, Martinique, in December 2014, and handed it back in the middle of June 2015 in St. Martin, after having visited the Lesser Antilles, Los Roques, Bonaire and the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Over the six months, we have seen a lot of anchorages. Some beautiful, some less so, but still practical, and sprinkled with very nice encounters. There are also some which are very beautiful, but very, very popular.
So we have selected one which has lots of things in its favor: it has a wonderful beach, a coral reef for snorkeling, a lighthouse to visit, natural swimming pools in the rock, turtles, rays... It’s the island of Culebrita, off Puerto Rico. What’s more, if you avoid weekends, the anchorage is almost deserted.

Thanks for your magazine and your articles, which had us dreaming before we left, and will continue to do so after our return!”

Geoffroy, Irina, Jeanne (8), Lou (4) and Tom (2)

Round the West Indies

Holidays in paradise

Marianne and her family have just returned from a few days’ charter in the Seychelles...
“The idea of going to the Seychelles came to us from reading Multihulls World. And the least we can say is that it was a really good idea. We have returned with hundreds of photos of perfect anchorages, and above all, the desire to set off again for a year as a family. As you often say, the hardest thing is taking the decision. For us, that’s already done!”

Marianne 35 years old, Charles Henri (62), Baptiste (15) and Mathilde (17)

Holidays in paradise Holidays in paradise

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