Readers' spot

Whether an anchorage or an anecdote, we all have a good memory linked to our favorite boats (with several hulls, of course)... This column is open to you to allow the magazine’s readers to enjoy it. Because of course sharing is one of the nicest things about cruising...

On vacation in Minorca

Here is the note that Denis sent us concerning his attractive little 33-foot catamaran, on vacation in the Balearics…

“Dear Multihulls World readers.
Here is a photo of our BMS 33, the little ‘Hyone’, on vacation in Minorca last week, with its new owner.
A very pretty site – the Cala Midjana in the south of Minorca; we recommend the anchorage to all Multihulls World readers – and an excellent boat, well suited to this kind of program.

Readers Sport Minorca

Mobile office

By talking to you about our journalists who are always on the move, we have finally wound up one of them. Here is the message sent by our friend Gilles Ruffet, the eminent Multihulls World journalist.

“This evening I read the new Multihulls World on the tablet, under the stars, on deck…
Thanks for the allusion in your editorial: (the chief editor was asking himself if Gilles was going to return from his round the world trip soon – Ed.) The return? Not for the moment, and even though we have already been gone for four years, and covered the equivalent of a round the world trip, we have only covered half of the circumnavigation. So…
And here’s a photo of my office. This is where I work nowadays…”

Readers Spot Office

Multihulls World – the essential?

At the beginning of July, we received this message from Alain, a reader who likes the magazine and who has also sent us the photos of his last cruise in the West Indies…

“I have just read the Special Edition and what a delight for the eyes; photos which help my good humor, and give me a bit of light in the grey of the area where I live.
Page 37 as well as page 45 would be excellent medication, all you have to do now is send me the prescription, so I can take my medicine based on blue seas, sunshine and white sand (the sun provides the vitamins). And my cure from the greyness can begin.

A big thank-you for your magazine, which adorns all the rooms in the house and the office.


A faithful reader.”



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