Ovéa : how to combat sea-sickness!

Having set out on board the Ovea in 2013, Sylvie describes her battle...against sea-sickness.

Sailing the world in a catamaran is no fun when you suffer from sea-sickness. Before our departure, the Captain, who had already had a boat, knew that it didn't affect him, but I wasn't sure as I knew that I was already susceptible to travel sickness. So we chartered a catamaran, before buying one so that we could try it out. All went well apart from a little sickness in the first two days. In May 2013, our own boat put to sea. Catastrophe! From the first trip, severe sea sickness had me flat out all day. I didn't vomit, but I had vertigo and nausea. It was too late to go back, and we didn't want to anyway. The days rolled by and became weeks and months, and the only way that I could feel alright, was to lie down which wasn't exactly ideal for anyone. In every country that we stopped at, I tried the local pills. Some certainly worked, but made me sleep all day. I decided to organize myself better. On the days before we set off, I would cook for the next two days, so as to avoid cooking out at sea, except when we sailed for more than 2 days. When the weather allowed, I stayed outside. I always start the courses of treatment the evening before we leave, and above all, I've found medicines which seem to suit me best. I wear anti-sea sickness bracelets on each wrist and in Spain I found the caffeine-based Biodramina and Stugeron to be very effective. I don't sleep now. I have a very slight sickness, but I can now enjoy the sailing and take my watch. At each port of call, when talking with other people, I realize that I'm not alone. Thank heavens for that, because you can start to feel guilty about not being capable of helping the Captain. When we returned home to France for the summer, my doctor prescribed me a treatment for the inner ear. I will keep you posted. Rest assured, you can still sail with sea sickness, and when you are moored everything is ok. It's such a wonderful adventure, that I don't regret a thing. On the contrary! This new life is wonderful!"

Sylvie on board the Ovéa

Ovéa combat sea-sickness

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