Lady’t Bee

Outboard motor stolen at the dock

Without a lock, the risks of an engine - even an old one - disappearing forever from the transom of the dinghy seem high...

Who: Malou and Dominique
Where: Martinique
Multihull: Transformed Leopard 474 PC
Blog :

 It’s a real pain having a motor that doesn’t work anymore. Especially since our daughter is coming tonight. Fortunately, we have acquired, following a previous failure, a modest two-stroke engine. This rustic machine, as backfiring as it is polluting, has been sitting in a locker for almost two years. Now it’s time for its revenge. This beast has never had the honor of driving our super catamaran dinghy, so some adjustments were necessary. Put, put, put, the noisy Japanese machine pushes the dinghy into the dock. I hurriedly put the anti-theft cable in place. As soon as I had locked it and climbed onto the dock, a kind of psychedelic flash hit me and I got a numb feeling: «I forgot the key»! We had planned dinner at a restaurant. Galvanized by the situation, I cut the cable myself, after only fifteen minutes of hysterical sawing, thanks to my wonderful Swiss Army knife. The dinghy was freed. Now it was time for hugs, reunions and happy laughter. Nothing much can happen to us anymore. We enjoyed our dinner in a good mood. On the way back, we were tempted by a small typically West Indian «lolo». A small glass of old rum, tasted under the parasols, with the sound of good local musicians as a backdrop, rounded off the evening perfectly. The girls were walking ahead of me, and suddenly Malou’s voice pierced the night: «They’ve stolen our engine!» She has been known to fool around in the past, especially when in the company of her partner in crime, who is also a bit of a joker. Fortunately, the oars had not been stolen. Our daughter, who is always able to find the right words concluded: «But Dad, this is a real opportunity for you. You never liked that engine.” My own conclusion was pinched from my favorite poet, Georges Brassens: «Rise up, my friend, may my good fortune benefit you! And don’t think about coming back. The merest hint of a return would undo the charm. I beg of you to leave me with a good memory.»

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