Kenobi : Four (Swedish) boys in the wind… of Lau Group, Fiji.

Lukas, fisherman from Stockholm, is captain on board Kenobi. Hampus left behind his desk job as a food buyer. Johan is a strong swimmer and diver. And Simon, the handyman of the boat with an indispensable reserve of tools and know-how. All together, they bought a catamaran in West Indies, and sailed with her to Australia, where she is for sale. They wrote us from Fiji.

Arriving in SavuSavu, the necessary cruising permit was issued in only two days and the day after that we had a two day weather window with very light easterly winds, allowing motor sailing to the island furthest away, Fulaga. Navigating through the lagoon assisted by Google Earth satellite images and waypoints we arrived at the anchorage sport where we had 4 meters white sand bottom all around. The perfect anchorage. The next step was to go to the head village, Moana-i-cake, and present sevu-sevu to the chief. In Fiji this is a mandatory custom when visiting smaller islands and villages that are all governed in a traditional way by a village chief. You ask the chief for permission to anchor and go ashore in their island. Dress code applies in the village, no hats, sunglasses, backpack and for sevu-sevu, no shorts. Since we had skimped on buying some nice and airy sulus (the traditional fijian man-skirt) we had to get into our long pants and make the twenty minute walk to the village on this very hot and humid day. In the middle of the village there was a big grassy square in front of the church. Clothes hanging to dry, smoke coming out of chimneys. We presented to the chief the customary gift of a bundle of dried kava root as well as the $50F anchoring fee (about $25US), money that goes to the community. A Fiji favourite, kava root is pounded and mixed with water to produce a mildly narcotic drink, called kava or grog. Turned out the kava was specially welcome here, Fulaga can’t grow kava and the village had run dry, next supply ship coming in a week or so. The gift was accepted and we were now welcome in the island. 


Who :Lukas, Hampus, Simon, Johan
Where : Across Pacific Ocean.
Boat : Leopard 45
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