Issue #: 145
Published: January / February 2016
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On board their Absolu 50, named Catapulte, the Hem family recounts in detail their arrival in Atlantic waters. When the dream becomes reality, or is it the other way round?
With an anchorage which was at risk of becoming uncomfortable, the need to pick up our home schooling stuff in Gibraltar, and despite a gloomy weather forecast giving 20 knot headwinds, we set off! Things were looking up: our entry into the Atlantic was a magical sail which will remain legendary for all the family, as much for the comfortable ride as for Catapulte’s performance which evolved in line with the weather conditions. At first we were getting the impression that the Mediterranean was going to hang on to us, because the more we advanced toward Gibraltar, the more wind came ahead and increased for the first time since our voyage began. Right up until the Pillars of Hercules appeared off our bows (a truly magical moment we shared as a family), where strangely we got the impression that the Mediterranean was resigned to the fact that it would have to let us enter the great Atlantic Ocean, waiting to welcome us with open arms. Nevertheless, we had already scoured the chart looking for some shelter for the night. And it was then that the sea began to calm, and the wind improve, and we could let Catapulte go while she was literally flying directly toward Gibraltar. Incredible! Our jackets had been brought out, for the first time in two months, especially for the occasion, and were quickly put away again. At 7 years old, Margot was piloting Catapulte sat on her Dad’s knee, gaining degree by degree toward the direct course toward Gibraltar with indescribable pride. The order was to press the +1 on the pilot every time Catapulte topped 11 knots, and curious and intrigued she waited for the moment when the mysterious Africa would appear. I didn’t dare ask her what she was expecting to see, but I think if crocodiles and lions came out of the water, she wouldn’t have been surprised. All the while, Audrey, 10, celebrated the moment by making pancakes, enjoyed by the whole family while Catapulte flew across the waves.
P.S. After years of reading the articles in Multihulls World, now it’s our turn! Thanks for the great magazine which has had us dreaming and led us to make that step.
Murielle and Eric, Anaïs, Audrey and Margot on board Catapulte.
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