Key Moments 2023

Starlink is indeed a revolution!

Could I have imagined a better situation to be in for sharing with you what has impressed me most this year? Here I am, “stuck” with a Belgian journalist friend and a good part of the ARC team, in a waterfront palace...

We’ve found ourselves, without having asked for anything, with Hobie Cat Waves for fun in the trade winds, due to the faulty flaps on our airplane, which should right now be taking us to London... Looking out to the north of Saint Lucia, from where I’m typing, I can see multihulls launching themselves downwind on the long Atlantic swell. They’ve probably been sailing for two weeks, with their crews just about to complete their 3,000-mile transatlantic passage. A few minutes after they disappear from my view, the sheets will be cranked in tight for a mile of close-hauled sailing before finally dropping anchor or entering the marina at Rodney Bay... This year’s crossing will have been shared with close friends and family by most of the multihulls. The famous Starlink antenna, unknown a year ago, is now installed on board 80% of the multihulls we encountered. Never before in the history of yachting has one single piece of equipment been so popular. Thanks to a high-speed Internet connection at a reasonable cost (on average €50 to €150 in consumption + €100 in subscription), the competitors we followed from the ARC were able to keep abreast of all the weather developments in real time, and remain in constant contact with the organizers, other competitors and their families ashore. An incredible evolution in terms of safety. Some were able to work and all shared live content, like the crew of Piment Rouge who sent us no less than 19 videos (you can check them out on our social media) from the Atlantic. Of course, some skippers have introduced “connection watches”, to avoid the irresistible attraction of screens, and perhaps to recapture a little of the roots and spirit of the transatlantic races of yesteryear... But Starlink is certainly one hell of a revolution!

Emmanuel van Deth 

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