Key moments 2022

The powercat wave

2022 was, once again, full of emotions, adventures and discoveries. However, what really impressed me was not a boat or a sea trial in particular, but rather a strong trend, the development of multihulls in the powerboats world in all sizes.

Among long-time enthusiasts, this phenomenon will not surprise anyone. For those who observe the market from a distance, the powercat has already conquered the 30 feet + segment for many years. But this time it's something else, we can almost talk about a flood that sees a number of major brands throwing themselves into the battle, starting with Four Winns and its TH 36 or Prestige and its M48, a series that, according to the builder, could eventually represent nearly 40% of its sales. Other large groups are also on the lookout, which should make the pontoons lively during the next few shows. This trend affects all sizes and styles, whether you are a fisherman, a family cruiser, you are looking for a small electric powercat to move around on the canals, or, at the opposite, oriented towards the world of yachts where you can now find powercats with ostentatious luxury. The movement is solid and it is part of an unstoppable logic. Stability, comfort on-board, and seaworthiness are all factors that, after ocean racers and round the world sailors, are now seducing motorboat enthusiasts looking for space and comfort. In addition, like the rest of the boating industry, the average size of multihulls sold is increasing. Therefore, if we free ourselves from the constraints of the transportable boats, the limits disappear (almost) to open the door to larger powercat that meet the needs of more and more boaters.

This is also a sign of maturity. The multihull is no longer a niche, but represents a whole part of the nautical universe, attracting in its wake many players in search of growth.

Dominic Salander
US Correspondant

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