Issue #: 169
Published: January / February 2020
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For almost two decades we've been noticing this: The design of sailing multihulls and powercats is no longer just a matter for enthusiasts with creative technological vision.
This year, in 2019, we have taken the step towards a world of creation that is being rationalized and industrialized. The pressure of competition pushes shipyards to innovate more and more in order to attract customers whose way of approaching the sea is constantly evolving. But to be ever more convincing for the customer, more work has to go into hull design, to maintain optimal seakeeping behavior. With the latest in virtual hydrodynamic design software, it’s no longer just one hull that can be tested, but ten or twenty. The trial and error of hull shapes and balance points allows us to create a product that meets the exact requirements of the marketing research. Design agencies from very large markets such as the automotive industry are now being recruited to target very narrow market segments and develop an appropriate response. The combination of these skills is allowing us to discover playful multihulls where every adjustment at the helm receives an immediate response. Exciting sensations have become possible aboard production boats, without denying comfort. Welcome to 21st century yachting.
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