Multihulls World n° 154

Multihulls World - June/July 2017
An amazing edition not to be missed!

Contents of No. 154 July/August 2017

Solutions for the future of multihulls
Catamarans - innovation seekers!

Self-sufficiency on a cruising boat

7 on a 1990 cat, or quite simply, enjoying sailing!

A week from Martinique to St.Lucia

- Readers’ spots
- Chronicle of a family around the world:
Louisiades, the archipelago at the end of the world

Wave 58
Broadblue Rapier 400
Secondhand test: Lagoon 421

Catamaran basics: toxicity and… protection!
Diagnostic: furling mainsails

This summer, it’s decided, I’m getting back into sports cats… Discovering the iFly15

16/9 Spot Editor’s favorites
The photographer’s eye
News from the pontoons
Builders around the world
The Multihulls Match: Collision prevention for blue water cruising



Meanwhile, multihulls continue to make us dream…

That’s how it was thirty-odd years ago, the idea of creating a magazine about multihulls seemed just… something crazy, that only a handful of enthusiasts would ever consider.  And that was a good thing, because that’s precisely what the magazine’s original team were.  Nothing more, nothing less!

That’s how it was ten years or so ago, imagining the America’s Cup - bastion of traditional yachting - could one day be taking place with foiling multihulls, would have been pure fantasy.  The Swiss and American Challengers really gave us a classic battle - the first between multihulls - before the exceptional final of the 34th Cup…

In 2010, we saw the first edition of the International Multihull Show.  An extravagant idea which consisted of gathering together only catamarans and trimarans (and even a proa), when every other boat show in the world was trying to expand their numbers by multiplying the type of models being exhibited.  The willingness of the organizers combined with the passion of the entire “multihull family” did the rest.  The eighth edition closed its doors with exceptional results: enchanted visitors, satisfied buyers, and exhibitors… inevitably thrilled.

In short, an undeniable success, which shows once again, that sometimes all you need to do is dare to go against the flow to discover new horizons!

 Thanks for your support and, more than ever, Multihulls World remains THE magazine complicit in your dreams.

JC Guillaumin
Editor in chief


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