Multihulls World n° 171


N° 171 – May / June 2020

Cover drawing: Cyril Richard

Sailing tests

104 Astus 20.5

110 Excess 11

116 Bali 4.8

122 Slyder 49

128 Alegria 67

142 Leopard 40 second-hand


Power tests

100 Bagoù 7.0

134 80 Sunreef Power



36 SPECIAL #200

84 Insuring your multihull



45 Postcards

56 Karimunjawa – Indonesia

68 Chronicle – South Atlantic


Charter destination

60 Saint-Barth


Owner’s Gathering

76 TS in Martinique



92 Catamaran basics: the trampoline

96 Diagnostic: personal safety


Boat Shows

26 International Multihull Show – new models


Regular features

6 Downwind

9 The photographer’s eye

12 News from the pontoons

24 Shopping

53 Readers’ spots

150 Classifieds

158 Who’s who: boot Düsseldorf


Happy #200

Celebrating our 200th edition with you is a rare privilege and a source of pride for our entire team. Those three numbers, that 200 on the cover of this issue, you obviously can't miss them, but to begin with, we owe our English-speaking readers an explanation. Your Multihulls World is indeed stamped #171, not 200. This discrepancy is due to a very simple reason: the very first version of the magazine published in English was a translation of Multicoques Mag N°29 - hence the discrepancy. For Multicoques Mag N°100, back in 2003, only the French version had a celebratory and original cover. For this N°200, we’ve decided to share this celebration with everyone, multihull enthusiasts from all over the world. After all, in the N°1 issue of Multicoques Mag, many of the letters were published in English – you’ll discover this further on in this edition.

Enjoy reading,

Emmanuel van Deth / Editor-in-Chief


And just to add two... cents!

When in the mid-1980s, a group of enthusiasts decided to launch a magazine exclusively dedicated to multihulls, the “specialists” in the boating press, sailing and market research in general had a good laugh. It was a crazy idea that wasn't going to last very long...

35 years after that first issue, here we are celebrating the N°200 edition of a magazine that remains more than anything, a great adventure; a story of friendships and trust between enthusiasts. Over the years, the number of converts has continued to grow until they have become the majority in many anchorages throughout the world. These readers, who have become “multihullists”, true ambassadors of our art of living on more than one hull, frequently end up sharing their experiences, their stories and their cruising tales in our columns. Multicoques Mag and Multihulls World is one big family and we are, in the end, nothing more than storytellers, revealing the dreams of those who have achieved them, and those who will live them in the years to come. From this dream, a now international magazine was born, and it sets the global standard. And all this passion couldn’t lead to sailing around the world (or round the cans) without the boat builders, naval architects, designers, riggers, sailmakers and other brilliant craftsmen who allow us to satisfy our passion with their talents.

So yes, this anniversary is first and foremost yours, dear friends, whether you are readers, contributors, journalists, partners, industry professionals or simply passionate boating people.

Never forget: Multihulls, maxi fun!

Fair winds,


Gerbert Rambaud - Managing Director of Jours de Passions

Jean-Christophe Guillaumin - Captain of Multihulls World

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