Multihulls World n° 169

Contents Multihulls World 169 – December/January 2019-2020

8 Multihull of the Year 2020

Vote for your favorite multihull!



Every multihull on the market – All the new boats

56 Less than 30 feet

63 30 to 40 feet

70 40 to 45 feet

76 45 to 50 feet

82 50 to 60 feet

90 60 to 70 feet

97 Powercats

109 Multiyachts over 70 feet

114 List of boat tests


Sailboat tests

136 Excess 12

144 Dazcat 1495

156 Astus 22 second-hand


Powercat test

150 Iliad 50



28 Postcards

35 Reader’s Spot

38Nosy Sakatia - Madagascar


Charter destination

42 Antigua


Chronicle around the world

46 Caribbean jazz



120 Piracy: what are the risks?

128 Catamaran basics: Taking the ground safely

132 Diagnostic: Gangways



12 Downwind

15 The photographer’s eye

17 Racing news

21 News from the pontoons

23 2020 Boat show guide

25 Shopping

116 Quiz

162 Classified ads

170 Who’s who: Dr Hudson & Mr Hakes 


That’s some Buyer’s Guide! 

For almost two months now, we’ve talked of nothing but. Think about it: dozens of projects from all over the world to investigate, nearly 200 multihulls to be referenced, classified, illustrated – and all being presented over more than 40 pages. A titanic job for our new team at the helm. Certainly, this 172-page special issue is the biggest issue of the year. But it's been worth it: for months to come - or even 10 years from now, who knows? - you be will (re)reading this Multihulls World issue no. 169. It’s one to keep, and discover and compare all the multihulls on the market. To dream of your next boat too... We’ve made sure to offer you a clearer and much more complete Purchasing Guide - 50% more multihulls, and a list of all our tests. So much more than a basic issue of Multihulls World, it’s an information device, a reference tool that we’re offering you. Take care of it!

Emmanuel van Deth / Editor-in-Chief


In praise… of slow!

Regular readers, you know it well: all the members of the magazine’s editorial staff love to sail at speeds that were, not so long ago, reserved only for ocean racing skippers on their “Formula 1 of the seas” ...

That's the way it is, we can’t change our nature. But let's be honest, it's much easier today to go fast, thanks to the incredible technical progress in equipment and materials, the increasingly efficient navigation aids and the genius of our naval architects who are designing ever more efficient craft while keeping the incredible potential for comfort that only our modern multihulls can offer.

But before you set off, bound for the famous seven seas of the world, take the time to savor this special issue, which brings together most of the world's multihull production. A welcome break, before making the choice - we hope you do - to offer yourself a new multihull, with which you can take the time to live, at the speed of the wind alone, and to discover the most beautiful anchorages of our wonderful blue planet!

Fair winds and… enjoy!

Gerbert Rambaud - General Manager Jours de Passions

Jean-Christophe Guillaumin - Captain of Multihulls World

The Complete Boat Tests

Almost 40 years of boat tests!

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