Multihulls World n° 168

Contents Multihulls World 167 – October/November 2019

Boat test special: Powercats

Aquila 32

Aventura A10 CS

Fountaine Pajot MY 40

Bali 4.3 MY

Silent 55


On test (sail):

ITA 14.99

Second-hand Catathai 40


Charter Feature


British Virgin Islands



Around the world

Flores - Indonesia

Chronicle: France-Brazil




Readers’ Spots

Filming in Corsica



Harken winches

Catamaran basics: splicing

Diagnostic: ditch pack / grab bag




The photographer’s eye

Racing news

Shipyards around the world

Power multihulls / 19 MultiYachts

News from the pontoons


Multihulls Match: foils or no foils?

Multihull who’s who: Yann Penformis


Multihulls for everyone!

What’s on your agenda? Beautiful exotic cruising and crossing oceans, pushed along by the trade winds... Among you, dear readers, many own a multihull... But not all - or not yet. Why? - It's (too) expensive - no time - I don't know anything about sailing. In this issue, we have thought of those of you who dream of casting off in a multihull. Far away, to discover the transparent waters, stroll under the coconut trees, enjoy yourselves with family or friends. But the truth of the matter is too much work, the children, finances a little tight, lacking the courage to learn how to sail...

But have you thought about chartering a multihull? In some destinations, it’s much cheaper than if you were to go stay in a hotel...

Why don't you try a powercat? Make life easier yet maintain the pleasure of a multihull!

Looking at it like this, next winter could be a whole lot different, no?


Emmanuel van Deth / Editor-in-Chief


Set off, enjoy and sail, again and again...

Every year around this time, everything’s at boiling point for the magazine staff. The reason? The fall boat shows and their long-awaited innovations, of course, but there’s more to it than that....

Fall is also the ideal time to organize boat tests in nice weather conditions - they allow you to get the most out of multihulls.

No, what is most important at this time of year is to organize your winter sailing... There are those who swear only by the West Indies, others try a new sailing destination every year: Atlantic, Indian or Pacific....

Experiencing and sharing this unique and indefinable emotion is why we love to sail on a multihull. To experience these magical moments, when you arrive in an unknown bay, the helm in one hand and the chart in the other, looking at the sea, the waves, trying to work out what the seabed is made of and where the wind will come from at night, and finally find the best place to anchor... One more anchorage to share with family, friends and... readers of the magazine.

Sure, this winter, we're going sailing... How about you?


Gerbert Rambaud – General Manager of Jours de Passions

Jean-Christophe Guillaumin - Captain of Multihulls World

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