Multihulls World n° 164

Contents Multihulls World 164 – March/April 2019


Contents Multihulls World 164 – March/April 2019

Election for multihull of the year
Vote for your favorite boat

USA Special Feature
Miami: the new Eldorado for multihulls?
Navigating the Intracoastal Waterways
The Bahamas, the sailor’s dream archipelago

Getting on top of the weight on your multihull
What to do in the winter
All you need to know about antifouling

Around the world
Madagascar, the Mitsio islands
Chronicle of a family around the world: Christmas Island

- Postcards
- Readers’ spots

On test
McConaghy 50
Bali 5.4
Balance 526
Second-hand test: Corsair Dash 750

The photographer’s eye
News from the pontoons
News from builders around the world
Power Multihulls
Multihulls Match: electric motors?
Classified ads


The world within reach of our bows

If the yachting industry has started to get the color back in its cheeks in recent years, it is largely due to the multihull market: our preferred craft are essential in charter fleets and of course in blue water cruising. In 30 years, boaters - experienced or novice - from all over the world have adopted multihull navigation. Even the coolest countries are getting into it... The United States, led by Florida, is not to be outdone; as you will discover in this issue, the almost tropical waters of Sunshine State are a paradise for our two- and three-hulled boats. And the Miami International Boat Show - Multihulls World will be there - is becoming an essential event for manufacturers. Passionate about multihulls from all over the world, the oceans are waiting for you!

PS: some may be surprised by the new signature below this editorial (even if I have been working with Multihulls World for 10 years)... Don't worry, Jean-Christophe Guillaumin is not very far away. The spirit and content of your favorite mag, as you can see, remain intact!

Emmanuel van Deth


Let's share our dreams

Life is beautiful, especially when seen from the deck of a catamaran or a tri, and even more so if the boat in question is anchored in a dream bay, after a beautiful sail in perfect conditions...

We are all - here at the magazine - really convinced of this. While Olivier is returning from Madagascar, Emmanuel is off to the BVI. Philippe talks about nothing but transats while Gilles and Brian are on their way back home. Norbert is in Martinique having fun on a sports catamaran! Only Graham is left ashore, but I suspect he's preparing something for us...

More than ever, Multihulls World wants to be a storyteller between those who set off and those who return. A way of highlighting our motto: "Sharing the dreams of our readers". For if the dream is indeed man's own, it is even more that of the sailor....

Fair winds!

J.-C. Guillaumin

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