Multihulls World n° 160

Multihulls World #160 - July/August 2018


Which 40 foot catamaran to choose for cruising?

Contents Multihulls World 160

Multihulls World 160 - July/August 2018


Election for multihull of the year: the results 

Comparison: Which 40 foot catamaran to choose for cruising?

Coastal cruising, or more fun for less money!

On test

TS5: Sporty cruising on a catamaran
Foiling TF10 Trimaran: Bye-bye Archimedes Principle, foiling is fantastic!
Second-hand test: Catana 41/42

Diagnostic: Re-covering your deck
Catamaran basics: Anchoring

At the heart of the island of Flores…
Stopover in South Africa

The photographer’s eye
The editorial team’s favorites
News from the pontoons
News from the shipyards
Power Multihulls
Multihulls Match: "Transportable or charter?"
Classified ads

In search of… happiness?
The greatest philosophers have studied the notion of happiness. And many of them consider that this was more of a perpetual search than a real accessible state. From there, to conclude that happiness is a dream, there is only one step that... readers of Multihulls World don’t seem ready to take.

Just read the Postcards section and other cruising stories in the magazine to realize that sailing, especially far away and long-term, offers a feeling of enjoyment, pleasure, serenity, delight, not to mention happiness, and that it lasts as long as the trip...

So what can we say about the recent multihull show where visitors, buyers, sailors or salesmen all had radiant faces that said a lot about their satisfaction. Or the smile on the face of our Philippe, journalist/multihull tester for over 20 years, when he returns from an enchanting sail, with so many stories, full of memories and stars in his eyes?

Well? Is a multihull the best way to reach nirvana?

So is it was time for you to head off for a few years around the world to prove it to us...

Off you go!

JC Guillaumin

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Almost 40 years of boat tests!

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