Multihulls World n° 184

Yet more multihulls!

The success of the 2022 International Multihull Show, despite the grim weather conditions and the cancellation of the two previous editions, has demonstrated once again the dynamism of our sector of interest: two- or three-hulled boats. More stable, more comfortable, more convivial, and less thirsty (for those who use engines) than their monohull sisterships, our multihulls seem to be capturing new market share over and over. The obstacle - and cost - that might have put the brakes on this is gently evaporating thanks to the appearance of many “multihull-friendly” marinas - more good news.

The interest shown by builders and the public in our Multihull of the Year election, the results of which you will discover in this issue, promises a magnificent 2023 edition - we are already working on this, as well as launching an all-female crew for the Caribbean Multihull Challenge organized by the St. Maarten Yacht Club next February, and getting involved in eco-boating (without preaching, I promise!). All these projects are of course driven by the energy of all of you - passionate readers, advertisers, industry professionals - and allow us to confirm our course: more boat tests, more cruising stories, more videos, more interaction - in short, always more multihulls!

Enjoy reading,

Emmanuel van Deth - Editor in Chief

Gerbert Rambaud - CEO of Jours de Passions




Lagoon 51

Aura 51
ORC 57

C-Cat 40 Power Fish

Aventura 14
Horizon PC60

2022 MOTY: The results


The Exumas
ARC + Las Palmas / Mindelo

Multihull basics: maneuvering in port

Match: aircon vs natural ventilation


The photographer’s eye
Readers’ post
News from the builders
Multipower news
Multiyacht news
News from the pontoons
Racing news
Multi forever green
Who’s on watch
List of boat tests
Who’s who: Fred Morvan and Philippe Michel

The Complete Boat Tests

Almost 40 years of boat tests!

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The 2025 nominees

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