Multihulls World n° 156

Multihulls World #156 - November / December 2017


Contents of No.156  November/December 2017

A winter in the sun
Chartering a catamaran today
Top destinations
Quiz: find YOUR destination
1st Charter: taking charge successfully

Blue Water
Port-Moresby, Papua New Guinea
From South Africa to Suriname, 4400 miles of adventure!

Readers’ Spots
Dream anchorages: Waterfall Bay, a stopover in Vanuatu

On test
Leopard 45
Neel 51
Bañuls 60
Secondhand test: Dragonfly 920

Diagnostics: on-board energy

16/9 Spot
The photographer’s eye
News from the pontoons
News from yards around the world
Multihulls Match - Transmission: shaft-driven or saildrive?
Classified ads


From The Editor


Hurricane Irma has just ravaged the islands of St Martin, St Barts, Barbuda and the Virgin Islands ... At the time of going to press, this Category 5 hurricane (on a scale of 1 to 5) was headed towards Haiti, Cuba then Florida.  Its incredible power with winds gusting to more than 300 km/h, waves of 10 to 12 meters, the whole accompanied by torrential rain, leaves only desolation in its wake.

As sailors, we are well aware of the exceptional power of nature. Fortunately, it is rare that we have to encounter such exceptional destructive intensity. The eye-witnesses on the ground have lived a nightmare, some talking about it being like a “nuclear bomb”... The images of desolation coming out of the islands speak for themselves.

The Caribbean will recover from this terrible catastrophe. We will return to St Barts, St Martin, Barbuda and the Virgins. We will return, because the area is simply outstanding and beautiful. We will return, as we returned after Hugo, Luis, Marilyn, Dean or Ivan. We will return, but we will not forget…

JC Guillaumin

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