The 10 golden rules for a successful holiday in a catamaran…

So, you’ve decided? You are going away this winter on a catamaran, in a wonderful setting, and with your friends or your family? Here are a few rules to follow so that everything goes as well as possible...

1-With whom and where to go? aboard a boat is not the same as in a hotel. And even though a catamaran remains voluminous (compared to a monohull), there is nevertheless a real lack of privacy, which with certain people can prove difficult. To avoid any problems, it is best to either go away with people you don’t know at all (this is very easy with the ‘per cabin’ system of charter), or with friends whose faults you are perfectly familiar with, and who you know are capable of adapting to life aboard a boat... As for the destination, this also depends on the people you want to go away with: sailing friends will not be put off by long passages, even to windward (the return trip from the Grenadines to Martinique, or from the BVI to St. Martin, for example), while with young children, destinations such as the Virgin Islands or the Seychelles are a dream!

Catamaran charter : 10 rules for a successful holidays

There is nothing like a cruise in a heavenly lagoon to create unshakeable bonds between all the members of the family... Three cheers for holidays in a cat! (Photo Lagoon / N. Claris)

2-Skipper, or no skipper?

In many destinations offered by the charter companies, you don't have to be an experienced sailor to set off at the helm of a catamaran. You just need to know the basics of navigation, and use your common sense. The question of whether to hire a skipper or not can therefore quickly arise, if one of the participants feels capable of taking responsibility for the boat. Because although a skipper is an ‘outsider’, he or she also knows the area perfectly, is able to show you some magic (and secret) anchorages, and above all, tell you more about his or her island than all the guides put together.

3-Prepare your cruise together

You’re there... In a few days, you will be flying to the other side of the world to discover one of the many wonders that mother nature has in store for you. But before you leave, it is a good idea to prepare your cruise with the whole crew. A pleasant evening, where everything can be clearly defined. The ideal is to have prepared the cruise so you can explain to everyone where you are going, the actual number of hours’ sailing, and the week’s itinerary. The best way for everyone to feel involved...

4-Provisioning: above all not to be neglected

If there is one important moment aboard, it’s the evening meal. This is when you talk about your day, the great moments, the encounters. Even the teenagers aboard enjoy taking part, by talking about their latest free dive, or the wonderful day’s fishing. So as not to spoil this convivial moment, it’s best to have food not just in quantity but also quality. Because when you are aboard your cat in a dream lagoon on the other side of the world, there is rarely a supermarket close by. And even if there is one, it will not be as well-stocked as the one you are used to frequenting. So taking particular care with the provisioning is essential for a good atmosphere aboard. Don’t ...

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