Tenders with two hulls...

And electric propulsion!

Many forever green multihulls come with an options list that include dinghies with internal-combustion-powered outboard motors... Is it the issue of the range of the tender that’s used justify this somewhat contradictory choice? This Forever Green Special Issue was the ideal opportunity to test the dinghy/electric motor combo in real life. And while we were at it, we opted for two mini-catamarans, as Multihulls World is obliged to do!

TenderCat TC25: What’s it to be - engine, oars or sails?

Our first test took place in La Rochelle, where sailors Dominique and Malou Montenisos showed us their wood/epoxy tender. It features two relatively slender floats with a fairly high freeboard. The foredeck is well protected, while the sterns slope down to form the sugarscoops. The transom is slightly cut away in the middle to accommodate an outboard motor. Just below the gunwale level, three pairs of recesses serve as clever handles.
As for the inside, the shape hugs the central tunnel and hull bottoms: so you can sit in the middle, as well as on the aft bench and foredeck area. Foam protectors allow you to sit comfortably on the gunwale. When you climb aboard, you’re really surprised by the stability offered by such a short, lightweight tender. After that, you’ll have to go round in circles a bit to get the hang of the layout, but you’ll soon figure it out. The new TenderCat TC25v2 features a more elegant deck layout and mini gunwales. This dinghy is offered ready to sail, but also in various stages of finishing.
Electric outboard manufacturer Temo lent us one of their electric sculling oars, which are very reminiscent of the famous longtails found in Southeast Asia, but much quieter and, above all, non-polluting. Once you’ve fitted the clever “suction cup rowlock”, you’ll quickly get to grips with the machine, making a series of turns, reversing and coming alongside. Maximum speed is 3.8 knots and average range a good hour. The combination of this compact dinghy and this pocket-sized motor is ideal... but the TenderCat has not finished surprising us... First, we discover its perfectly positioned rowlocks for efficient rowing. Then Dominique pulls out all the stops: in two minutes, he installs a complete Optimist rig, rudder and daggerboard (which we could manage without). His TenderCat turns out to be as much fun to steer as it is high-performance: it starts up at the slightest hint of wind and turns on the spot! We’re beginning to dream of being able to hydro-generate with the Temo·450 while sailing... I’m not sure if the speed is sufficient, but the idea is clever enough for Thibaut Coutansais, the brand’s director, to make a note of it in the back of his mind. In the meantime, it’s perfectly possible to recharge the battery on board the mothership.
What we learnt from this test is that the catamaran/electric motor/oars/sail combination is as coherent as it is fun.

TenderCat TC25v2 dinghy

Manufacturer: TenderCat
Designer: Dominique Montenisos
Material: epoxy/plywood or glass/carbon/epoxy
Length: 8’2” (2.5 m)
Beam: 4’1” (1.25 m)
Weight: 80 lbs (36 kg)
Max number of people: 4
Price: € 4,100 ex-tax

Temo 450 motor

Length: 130 to 170 cm (51 to 67 in)
Weight: 4.9 kg (10.8 lbs)
Motor power: 450 W
Propulsive power: 200 W
Battery: 10 or 12.8 Ah
Charging: 220 V, 12 V or 24 V
Charging time: 3h30 on 220 V
Price: € 1,590 inc-tax
Thibaut Coutansais, brand manager at Temo, shows us the double suction cup that perfectly positions the  Temo·450’s rowlock.
Thibaut Coutansais, brand ...

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