Interior layouts

Match : 3 vs 4 cabin

4-cabin version: at the beginning of the 1980s, the term «Charter» conjured up images of wet duvets piled up in the tiny cabins of the monohulls of the time... Today, our comfortable multihulls have changed a lot! What are the advantages of the facilities designed for charter? Are they suitable for other uses?

3-cabin version: The principle of an Owner’s version is simple: to offer a double cabin, or even a whole hull aboard a catamaran to the happy skipper, whoever they are accompanied by. Losing a cabin for more comfort: is it worth it?

4-cabin version

Two cabins in each hull that are more or less identical are what most 40 to 50-foot multihulls designed for charter can offer. Note that the Charter versions have become 4 cabins or Quatuor at Fountaine Pajot - a simple marketing concept to avoid the somewhat tarnished image of the word charter. A few figures communicated by Boris Compagnon, Sales Director of Bali/ Catana: «Of the biggest manufacturers who produce more than 100 units per year, 60% of their multihulls are 4-cabin versions. «With the exception perhaps of Fountaine, which is probably closer to 55%. For the smaller manufacturers, this percentage drops sharply and is almost non-existent for the performance-type models such as Balance, Catana, EOS, HH, McConaghy, Overseas etc. Nevertheless, the majority of the fleet is still equipped with 4 cabins. This layout version has a major advantage: that of optimizing rental profitability. There are no issues when allocating the cabins. Everyone can settle down where they like, without having the feeling of being cheated. «For one or two weeks on board, a four-cabin version is perfectly suitable, even for private use,» Boris notes. This is of course where multihulls score points over monohulls (including much larger ones): even in four cabins, you can enjoy excellent comfort and total privacy

 3-cabin version

Port or starboard? There are no defined codes in the multihull world: the famous Owner’s cabin (or hull) - Maestro at Fountaine - can choose to live on either side, depending on the builders and design teams. In most cases, the entire hull is therefore stripped of its bulkheads: at the stern, there is a double bed, then a passageway fitted out with a desk and plenty of storage space, followed by a huge bathroom that takes up the entire bow. Intimacy is most often ensured by a bulkhead which closes off the hull from the living area. Even if during the day, you spend much more time outside and in the saloon, it is particularly pleasant to have a real office, more storage space for your clothes and a real bathroom. For a long-term stay on board, this is obviously the ideal configuration: the owner couple in the hull, children and/or guests in the other cabins. For private use, it can always be arranged to free up a cabin or the saloon to accommodate one or two occasional sleepers. Not for nothing are the Owner versions ...

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