2023 Sail Buyer's Guide

Forever green

Following on from our Power Multihull Buyer’s Guide, we are inaugurating a new category in the wake of our Forever Green Special Issue #18, which covers catamarans and trimarans that are making an effort to protect the environment. Most of the time, this includes an electric propulsion system accompanied somewhat less often (for the moment) by specific construction methods. This is a voluntary requirement for the time being - both for manufacturers and users. But there are also technologies that will soon become mandatory, as in the automotive industry.


Mini-foils and folding floats

This little sistership to the 853 was splashed for the first time at the 2021 La Rochelle boat show. Despite the rush to get her ready – bare interior and missing centerboard, the 703 managed to show good performance under sail during our tests. The small size of this trimaran prompted the yard to develop a quick-folding system to facilitate road transport. In addition to the centerboard and the two rudders, each float is equipped with a semi-foiling system. The aim is therefore not to fly, but to provide downwind lift - more power and the ability to carry more canvas. The marked chine of the central hull reconciles the finesse of the underwater hull and habitable volume – 5’ (1.50 m) headroom. The builder also proposes an electric motor rather than a combustion one. The (for now) limited range under electric power is more than compensated for by the boat’s speed under sail.

Builder: Rega YACHT
Length: 22’11” (6.99 m)
Beam: 8’4”/19’6” (2.55/5.95 m)
Light displacement: 1,875 lbs (850 kg)
Draft: 15”/3’10” (0.38/1.16 m)
Mainsail: 290 sq ft (27 m²)
Jib: 130 sq ft (12 m²)
Spinnaker: 270 sq ft (25 m²)
Outboard: 4 kW



Fixed arms

On the trimaran market, fixed arm models are rare... apart from offshore racing boats and NEEL, but these aren’t in the sub-thirty-foot sector. The Libertist’s ambition is to establish a fixed structure in the 23-40’ (7-12 m) category. Bearing the signature of Erik Lerouge, the Polish shipyard Rega Yacht does however offer its 853 in a folding version (8’4”/2.55m folded). A formula that allows them to join a small but active market, mainly occupied by Dragonfly, Corsair, Astus and Tricat. The 853 is elegant, extremely fast and manages to offer an amazing volume in a central hull of only 28’ (8.5 m). Note that the yard is working on two bigger models, the Libertist 1003 and the 1203.

Builder: Rega YACHT
Architect: Erik Lerouge
Construction: Glass/epoxy foam sandwich (infusion), carbon arms
Length: 28’ (8.53 m)
Beam: 23’4” (7.1 m)
Draft: 18”/6’5” (0.45/1.95 m)
Light displacement: 3,085 lbs (1,400 kg)
Height and surface of rotating mast: 44’8”/43 sq ft (13.60 m/4 m²)
Mainsail: 430 sq ft (40 m²)
Self-tacking jib: 205 sq ft (19 m²)
Spinnaker: 840 sq ft (78 m²)
Motor: 6 kW



Going green

The Palma 30 project is the result of collaboration between Nicolas Purnu, Marc Lombard’s long-time partner in multihull design, and Jean-Noël Lebrun, a specialist in composite construction. The hulls and deck of the Palma 30 will be made using a PVC foam/glass/vinylester sandwich in infusion. Light and well-canvassed, this catamaran, scheduled to be launched next spring, is switching to electric mode in its Grand Voyageur version: its electric motors will offer a ...

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