Nautic - Salon nautique de Paris
Boat shows

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Nautic - Salon nautique de Paris


Reed Expositions France Nautic - Salon Nautique International de Paris 52-54, quai de Dion-Bouton CS 80001 92806 Puteaux Cedex FRANCE

Every year, the Nautic gives you a rendez vous in December, to discover the new models in the nautical world.

In 2014, you were about 230 000 visitors* including 8 472 professionals to come visit the Show!
Sailing, tourism, motor-boating and equipments, are the 4 exhibitions poles where are expected 775 exhibitors representing 1 400 brands, on 125 000m².
In 2014, 825 crafts were presented to you of which 230 novelties.
A wide selection allowing to everyone to compare a number of motorboats and various sailing boats, to get professional advice and to enjoy a friendly atmosphere in our different animation areas.
A meeting between friends and water sports lovers, which will occur from 2nd to 10th December 2017.
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