Multihulls World n° 193

From the smallest to the largest...

It’s no secret that when you love them, there’s no counting them, and that’s why you’ll find no fewer than 150 sailing multihulls in this, our 2024 Buyer’s Guide. This issue is like Christmas come early. Yes, but there are so many multihulls out there that we’ve had to limit ourselves over the last few years to the 20 to 70-foot range (ok, give or take...). Yet there are much smaller catamarans and trimarans. Some even fit in a bag, like the MiniCat Guppy presented in this issue. Incidentally, this little inflatable catamaran costs just over €4,000. And at a time when financial inflation has hit mid-range cruising multihull prices hard, it’s good to know that you can still sail on more than one hull without breaking the bank. Dominique and Paola won’t contradict me either, having spent last summer sailing unassisted on a second-hand Hobie 18 up beyond the Arctic Circle...
At the opposite end of the scale, units over 70 feet also exist, and of course they make us dream. Some of these yachts are offered as luxury cabin charters - so you don’t have to shell out millions in cash right away. Why deprive yourself of these exceptional multihulls? And just so you can get an insight, we took a trip aboard the Gunboat 72 for you. As a bonus, we met up with the women involved in bringing this beautiful (all-carbon) craft to life.
In short, if you had any doubts, Multihulls World is the magazine for ALL multihulls, from the smallest to the largest.

Enjoy reading!


Emmanuel van Deth

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