Issue #: SP16
Published: August / September 2021
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Issue #: SP16
Published: August / September 2021
Contents Multihulls World Special Issue #16 - Summer 2021
Excess 12 New Generation
Windelo 50
Our 10 favorite destinations
Shipyards and blue water cruising
Clean boating – is it a Utopia?
All you need to know about bridles
Diagnosis: Watermakers
Multihull basics: a refit before setting off
12 multihulls for going cruising
News from the pontoons
Multi forever green
Racing News
Multihull Shows
Readers’ spot
The photographer’s eye
Who’s who: Massimo Guardigli
Finally casting off!
Everywhere in the world, borders are finally reopening; most of the usual routes for our offshore multihulls are once again open to us. So, is now the time to go blue water cruising? What sailor hasn’t dreamed of one day casting off and discovering distant shores, new landscapes, unknown places? To meet people and make friends who are also sailing? To be lulled by a warm trade wind, to dive into warm and transparent water, to have your retina gilded at every sunset? Tropical destinations are of course at the top of the list of locations to drop your hook, but countries closer to the poles are not lacking in attractions: northern lights, deserted anchorages, breathtaking panoramas... That’s what a blue water voyage is all about. And aboard a multihull, the dream becomes not only possible but even more seductive. We can’t stress enough the advantages of sailing on the level, of having a single-story platform, of having cabins that preserve your privacy. In this special edition dedicated to blue water sailing, we present our ten favorite destinations, the latest news on two or three hulls, 12 second-hand multihulls ready to take you across the oceans, numerous technical tips, not to mention an eco-responsible approach to sailing. Because you too can cast off!
Enjoy reading and… bon voyage!
Emmanuel van Deth - Editor in chief
Gerbert Rambaud - Chief Executive of Jours de Passion
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